
So I’ve been tagged by Miss C’ the other week. Thanks gurl! 🙂 Was really busy these past days that I’m only doing this now. Anywho, here are the rules:

  • Each tagged person must post ten things about themselves.
  • You have to choose and tag ten people.
  • Go to their blogs and tell them you tagged them.
  • No tag backs.
  • Have Fun.
Without further ado, here are my ten things:
  1. I am a lefty and proud of it. A right-brain thinker. An introvert. An emotional rather than logical creature. I like to think I have some creative juice running through me. 😛 When I was a kid, drawing was my pastime of choice and I wasted more than a few pads of writing paper intended for school work on doodles, paper dolls and all manners of scribbles that kids usually do. As I grew up though, this faded a bit and gave way to photography. Some of my works are here on my regular blog entries, most notably on my Project 365.
  2. I have this interminable addiction to BB creams. Seriously. Thankfully, my addiction has not boiled over to actually buying every tube of the stuff that I stumble upon. That would just be insane! I actually feel happy just reading and researching (yes, researching!) about BB creams that pique my interest. So far, I have just two in my arsenal (Etude House BB Magic Cream and Missha Perfect Cover) and another (Pure Beauty Soothing BB Cream) which I gave to my best friend. But prior to buying full tubes of the stuff, I was also actually able to sample Skin79 (Hot Pink and VIP Gold) and Skinfood Mushroom Multi-Care BB Cream. Targeting Lioele Beyond the Solution, BRTC Blemish Recover Balm and Dr. Jart+ BB creams next. 😉
  3. I am semi-carnivorous. That is, I do not eat vegetables. Not even the itty-bitty ones in instant pancit canton. I literally pick them off the noodles one by one and place them on the sides of the plate before eating. 😀 No kidding.
  4. My feet are a tiny size 5. Or 5.5 at most. Or 6 if the sizing is pretty small. But if the sizing is big, I could sometimes squeeze my feet in size 4 footwear. 😉 Comes with the genes, from my maternal side. Mama has even smaller feet than me, would you believe?
  5. I used to wear ONLY black shirts, jeans and sneakers. Hence the handle blackshirt13. That was I think from senior high school up to college and a few more years after. Actually, only recently did I deviate from that self-imposed uniform.
  6. I have absolutely NO idea how I managed to pass the Board Exam way back 2007. While my classmates were all buried in books, reviewers and refreshers, I was reading magazines and watching anime DVD’s bought in Quiapo. I did study too, but not as intensely as the others and certainly not everyday. Seriously. I just lucked out, I think. Nadala ata sa dasal. 😉
  7. One of the boys. Though I have two BFF’s since third grade, most of my college barkada are guys. The fact that the course I chose (Engineering) is still somewhat male-dominated probably has something to do with it. Or maybe not. I was kind of a tomboy growing up and for some reason I find it easier to relate to guys most of the times. No pretenses, no frill, no bullshit. And mind you, all those so-called tough guys I hang out with have a morbid fear of my wrath. 😀
  8. Music is my therapy. That’s why my playlists are organized by mood, not by the usual artists or genre. I seldom update my songs since I prefer my own favorites and those which have a special meaning or I could relate to. In all fairness, I do listen to a variety of genre in the first place: I have rock, alternative, pop, reggae, classical, movie and anime soundtracks, hip-hop, R&B and what-have-you. Most of my music is mainstream though, since I am not that much of a hardcore to dig up underground records and all.
  9. I am curious as the proverbial cat. And my curiosity has gotten me in trouble more than a few times. Good or bad, if it piques my curiosity, then I just have to try it at least once. They say, a wise man learns from another’s mistakes. If that is so, I am the polar opposite of wise, since it seems I need to experience the sting of the lesson firsthand before I really learn. Sue me, but that’s just the way I really am.
  10. Would you believe I actually have no real vices? I most definitely do not smoke, I only drink on occasion, I don’t gamble and I have never done drugs. I was predisposed to hate smoking since my father is a smoker and I grew up hating the smell of cigarette smoke. Though I’ve had my share of barikan sessions, they are more in the spirit of pakikisama than about the drinks themselves. And truth be told, I think beer (or gin or any other alcoholic drink save for Bailey’s or vodka mudshake) just tastes awful. 😛 And drugs, thanks, but no thanks.
There. After 48 years, my 10 things are finished. Never imagined I’d have a hard time thinking of these stuff, but I actually did struggle. 😉
Anywho, I’m tagging Nuna Bech, AnneMP, Rae, Faith, Liezl, Gian, Cha, Michi, Jane and Dee. Have fun girls! 🙂

12 thoughts on “Tagged!

  1. Pingback: 25…15…10 Tags! | Pinkville: Pink and Magic Convergence Zone

  2. Thank you for the tag sis! Hmm.. meron bang deadline? hahaha! Will let you know when I’m done with this. I have another one from Spanish Pinay. something a lot like this. isipin ko pa sino it-tag! hehehe

    Now i know why the name blackshirt. 🙂


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