blackshirt13 is still alive!

Haven’t opened this blog for months. Gee, busy much? Well, yeah. See, I am now a working Mom. Well, for all of two weeks anyway, but prior to that I was busy taking care of my little princess who’s growing up soooo fast. In fact, look at her now:

Francine, bikini model Continue reading

Surprisingly good read (Books and Ratings)

Let’s just say I have some reservations about young-adult (YA) novels despite having read quite a number of books from that genre. Not that I feel juvenile or childish reading about teenagers (I consider myself a ten-year-old at heart so what the heck, right?) but I guess I have this stubborn preconceived notion that YA novels are kinda shallow compared to other fiction novels with older characters. Which is kinda stupid and a paradox since I read and loved the Hunger Games, Harry Potter and Twilight (but I’m no die-hard fan of any, mind you).

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I miss my appetite

There’s pizza in the house and I managed only one measly slice (it wasn’t even the biggest slice). There’s cake but I’m letting it go to waste. There’s a bar of chocolate and so far I have eaten all of two small squares. These here are my favorite food. What the hell is wrong with me? 😐