Choices, choices.. Help!

So that’s it. Because I prayed really hard and God is soooo good and answered my prayers ASAP, I am getting a Kindle waaay earlier than I had anticipated. Like, next week or even this week (instead of in a couple more months) depending upon a few things to be discussed later. Ain’t that just grand? 😀

Kindle 3, you will soon be mine! *insert evil laugh here*

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It’s official: I don’t want a Kindle anymore..

…but that’s because at this rate, want has actually escalated to need. Yes, NEED! With the sudden influx of new e-books at my disposal, I find myself utterly unable to resist reading even in this eyestrain-inducing laptop screen. My eyes are definitely gonna suffer much because of this. 😦

Right now I am reading the e-book he gifted me last night:

And it’s shaping up to be another sleepless night for me. Lizzy just kicks ass. Makes me wish I was a trained warrior too, though I don’t necessarily wanna be fighting zombies unmentionables. 😛

Hope blooms when you least expect it

I actually woke up in a not-so-nice mood, having been heavily affected (yet again) by my mother’s worrying last night about some odds and ends that I thought were already done and over with. Add to that my (sorta) disagreement with him during the later part of the evening, which was actually a by-product of my reaction to Mama. So I had a pretty lethargic start of the day, with clouds seeming to hang over me despite the hot, bright sunlight burning throughout the day. 😐

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