My Virtual Library.. bow!

I am having so much fun building my virtual library (in preparation of getting a Kindle) that I think I got a bit carried away looking for and downloading e-books. 😛 Geeking out, I even got some books that I have already read (that’s the Twilight Saga and Harry Potter books if you’re wondering) just because. Most I got from Free Ebooks for Kindle and some from Amazon. And yeah, cheapskate that I can be, all of them are free downloads. 😉

I don’t know how I’ll find the time to read them all, seeing as I have not even finished reading Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Blame it on the unexplainable urge to download more books while in the middle of reading. Honestly, I can be such an addict. 😛

If you’ve been following my blog (how presumptuous of me), you have probably figured out by now that when I badly want something, I tend to get obsessed fixated on the object/s of my desire. If I want it, then I damn well really want it and no amount of justification or lemming-killing could sway me. Call me stubborn or childish, but that’s just the way I am. Uhm, is there an underlying disciplinary issue here? But I digress.

Just got me curious. What was the last book you read or downloaded? Would you recommend it? Why or why not? Come on, share! 😀

10 thoughts on “My Virtual Library.. bow!

  1. Yay for your Kindle! Is Pride and Prejudice and Zombies any good? One of my bestfriends love it. Sadly though, I have not read for leisure in a really long while.


    • Still not done with Pride and Prejudice and Zombies but from what I have read so far it is good. I really like that the heroine (Elizabeth) just kicks some serious zombie ass. 😀


  2. The last printed books I read (finished them at more or less the same time) were Never Let Me Go, One Day, and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. I enjoyed One Day though I didn’t like the ending, found Never Let Me go promising but somehow it failed to deliver, and the Dog book a bit boring near the end before picking up pace again. But all in all, they’re good reads. None of them were spectacular, but I didn’t regret reading them.

    The last e-book I read was The Hunger Games trilogy. I love that series! It has tons of flaws like any other book, but it emotionally involved me. I ended up caring too much for the characters. d=


    • Hmmm.. I am not familiar with the printed books you mentioned. 😛 Haha. The Hunger Games trilogy on the other hand is on my book-hunt list. Still have not found copies in Kindle-compatible format, and I am not in the mood to download Calibre just to convert them from other file formats. Lazy much? 😛 Haha. We’ll see though in the coming days. I just downloaded a whole batch of e-books, what an addict!


    • Alright then, will definitely look for the series! 🙂

      When you mentioned A Song of Ice and Fire, the song Fye’s Theme (A Song of Storm and Fire) from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles started playing in my head over and over. 😀 And basing from what I’ve read about the series, the music actually kinda matches the fantasy series too!


  3. I have a couple of virtual libs, but I have forgotten the password. LOL.

    The last book I read was A Dance With Dragons. I’m a big A Song of Ice and Fire series fantard. If you’re into fantasy, it’s a must. 😉


    • I’m thinking of making a Goodreads or Shelfari library, but haven’t gotten around to it yet. This is just the collection of books I downloaded on my laptop. 😉

      I read all sorts of books, some fantasy included. Will look for that book next time I go book hunting. Thanks for the reco! 🙂


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