The Perks of having an Accountant for a Mother

calc help

I am supposedly a licensed engineer and so I oughtta be good with numbers, right? Wrong. Well, not exactly wrong, but not right all the time either. I will do just fine with algebraic equations, or even geometry, or if really hard-pressed even some trigonometry or calculus. But numbers equating to money? That’s where I start to get lost.

So you could say I got into business kinda half-assed. The passion and enthusiasm is there, and some capital too, but for the life of me I do not know where or how to record the comings and goings of money. I keep records, yes. I even made myself a nice enough Sales Invoice form for my customers. But I have no idea how to collate all that information into a coherent financial statement.

So after much procrastination and a good dose of humility, I approached my mother for some-needed help last night. My mother who’s a whip-smart accountant and then some. Needless to say, it took her mere minutes to make sense of all the financial hoo-hah. And discovered that [in theory, since I still have a lot of receivables] I have already broken even on ROI and am actually already making profit! Yeah!

Thank you Mama and thank God!

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