“Just because” Wishlist

Christmas is still too far away and so is my birthday. But so what? The title says it all. *winks*

  • Canon EOS 5D Mark II

5D mk III sooo want to upgrade especially since my beloved EOS 450D, though still usable, is not working up to par anymore–AF is not functioning so I am stuck with manual focus. My fault, I suppose. But still. I need to upgrade. And while at it, why not go for a new body with a full-size sensor while at it? And HD movie recording too–a nice feature to have though I prefer still photography.

  • Eyeko Cream
    eyeko cream

I hate pink but I want this über-pink thing? What’s up with that, right? Actually, from what I’ve seen the cream is not really pink in real life, more flesh-colored than pink. So what is this gunk for anyway? It is supposedly a 3-in-1 product: (1) moisturizer, (2) eye cream, and (3) highlighter. But from what I’ve read, it works best as a highlighter. I do not wear makeup but so what? I just want this, dammit. Just because. Haha.

  • Maybelline Lash Stiletto Mascara

Lash_StiletoBelieve me, I really do not wear makeup. Just lip balm balm (because of my chappy lips) and powder on top of moisturizer (it doesn’t even count as makeup) and that’s only when I go out (which is quite rare). And I plan to keep it that way. I just want longer-looking lashes every now and then, is that so bad?

  • Black Apple iPad 2 with black Smart Coveripad2_smartcover_black-on-black_005

Who is not lusting after this gadget anyway? Sure, I could live without it, but living with it would be much nicer, don’t you think? And I am staying true to myself this time, choosing black on black color combination. Haha.

  • Apple iPhone 4

iphone 4And why not get an iPhone 4 while at it too? My current Samsung is already a year old and could use a shiny new sister to keep her company. On second thought, the Samsung might develop an inferiority complex when placed next to this. So a replacement is in order, perhaps?

  • Complete set of Rich Dad Poor Dad books

rich-dad-poor-dadFinancial literacy is one of my current and life-long goals and these books would help lots in achieving that goal. I have read a couple of the books already and cannot wait to read all the others.

That’s all for now. Hopefully Santa comes early and gives me one or all of the above. Haha. Wishful thinking much?

12 thoughts on ““Just because” Wishlist

  1. Pingback: Meet your new Eyeko Ambassador! « Work in Progress

  2. Pingback: Day 13: Better late than never? « Work in Progress

  3. Nice wishlist sis. my personal favorite is the ipad2 and the iphone 4. Though I’m too kuripot to buy it for myself… receiving it as agift will be nice idea.


  4. Hopefully I can save enough money to buy an iPad2 within the year. Haha! Wishful thinking. But if not, then maybe I can just get a netbook. Don’t want a new phone, am pretty happy with my Blackberry pa.


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