Happy things Monday

Start the week right! With a smile, that is. Here are some things that make me smile right now:

  • I am loved.
  • I had a [very] heavy dinner consisting of rice, several pieces of tapa and adobong atay. Meat-lover much?
  • Mama bought me a bag of chocolate chip cookies. Of which I had a few pieces right before having dinner. And quite a few more in between typing this entry.
  • Papa loved me enough to get me ice cream in the middle of the night.
  • My cousin tried my Strawberry soap and seemed to like it.
  • Some of my back orders from Human ♥ Nature were shipped today. Expecting them to arrive tomorrow or the day after.
  • Just discovered last night that I gained a couple more kilos.
  • I have true friends.
  • My faith in God is strengthened.

Thank God for Life!

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